1. 山と水と光の廻廊<比叡山・びわ湖>
  2. 京都・八瀬エリア
  3. 旧三井家下鴨別邸 Former Mitsui Family Shimogamo Villa

京都・八瀬エリア スポット情報

旧三井家下鴨別邸 Former Mitsui Family Shimogamo Villa【きゅうみついけ しもがもべってい】


Built in 1925, this former villa of the Mitsui family, who were wealthy merchants, is an important cultural property. The elegant fall foliage in the garden which can be viewed from the second- and third-floor watchtowers in the main house are full of atmosphere.

時間 11/14(木)~12 / 3(火) 9:00~16:30(受付)
Thursday November 14th to Tuesday December 3rd, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (reception)
料金 大人900円・中高生650円・小学生450円
Adults ¥900, junior and senior high school students ¥650, elementary school students ¥450
電話 075-366-4321
住所 京都市左京区下鴨宮河町58-2
アクセス 京阪「出町柳駅」下車、北へ徒歩約5分

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